HHMI Funded DEI Trainings for Kalamazoo College
ERACCE Trainings

Kalamazoo College has agreed to continue the annual summer ERACCE trainings for faculty and staff. The College also conducts ERACCE training sessions for students twice a year (December and June), and HHMI funds will continue to help support these trainings. In particular, we hope that ERACCE trainings becomes a part of what all students that are charged with engaging in leading other students (peer leaders, resident assistants, campus ambassadors, student club leaders) must do.
Justice at Work

Justice at Work is a course for the Kalamazoo College community to support its commitment to justice and equality. In 2020, the HHMI Leadership team, Arcus Center, and the Provost Office partnered to fill a need for education in justice and equity. Since then, we have worked with Mia Henry and the Freedom Lifted team in hosting virtual labs where employees can meet in community to discuss solidarity actions. Due to these discussions many positive programs focused on DEI, social justice, and community building have emerged.